v2.2 (version history)


View Gene-Specific Information:

Last Edited by: 2023-05-18

Clinical transcript (RefSeq):
Clinical transcript (Ensembl):
Number of bases in cDNA:
Number of amino acids:
Exon/Intron Information
Exon/Intron Exon start (cDNA) Exon end (cDNA) Exon length Intron length
VCEP guidance
CanVIG-UK review of ATM April 2022: consensus to use ClinGen ATM VCEP guidance (available at: https://clinicalgenome.org/affiliation/50039/) for ATM variants reported under indication R208 of the UK Genomic Test Directory. The scope of this test indication currently includes truncating variants (defined as: nonsense, frameshift and canonical splice site (+/- 1/2) variants) and ATM c.7271T>G p.(Val2424Gly). See point of specification in addition to the ATM VCEP guidance for PS4 and PVS1 below.
PVS1_VS can be used for variants within the first 100bp (based on expert guidance for initiation codons with an expert review of initiation codon in ClinVar; several pathogenic truncating variants have been reported in the first 100bp)
PVS1: Splicing
As per VCEP
PS3/BS3: Functional assays
As per VCEP
PM1/PP2: Constraint/Domains
As per VCEP
PP5/BP6 : Reputable source
As per VCEP
PP4/PS4: Case-control/Phenotype data)
PS4: p-value ≤.05 AND (Odds Ratio ≥2 OR lower 95% CI of Odds Ratio ≥1.5)
PM3/BP2: Biallelic Variants
As per VCEP
PM2/BA1/BS1: Allele frequency
As per VCEP
BP1: Missense-benign
As per VCEP
PS1/PM5: Other variants
As per VCEP
PP3/BP4: In silico
As per VCEP
PM4: Length change
As per VCEP
PP1/BS2/BS4: Segregation
As per VCEP
PM6/PS2: De novo
As per VCEP
BP3/BP7: Synonymous/In-frame
As per VCEP
BS2/BP5: Observed in controls/Alternative disease cause
As per VCEP